Sponsored by the Utah Baroque Ensemble
Teachers: LaReita Berky and Daron Bradford
Monday, February 24, 2025 From 3:30 to 6:00 pm
Piano Gallery Recital Hall, 650 S. State Street, Orem
For instruction and coaching in the Baroque performance style, please take advantage of a Baroque Performance Master Class to be held on Monday, February 24. This year the class will be taught by cellist LaReita Berky (strings) and clarinetist Daron Bradford (keyboard and winds). The Master Class will be held at Piano Gallery Recital Hall, 650 S. State Street, Orem from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
LaReita Berky (cello) began learning the Baroque performance style while studying at Arizona State University. Upon completing her degree at the San Francisco Conservatory of Music in 1998 she continued learning and implementing more while performing with Utah Baroque Ensemble for nearly 20 years. A common phrase LaReita says is “Always be learning a Bach piece – always!” LaReita regards the simple complexities experienced in baroque music as similar to human relationships and enjoys sharing her love for the baroque style. Currently, LaReita works as a counselor and Social Worker and does humanitarian work with a non-profit. Her passion for healing communication in human relationships and Baroque music dovetail perfectly together for an enriching experience with the UBE master class.
Daron Bradford is a professional woodwind player and freelance recording musician. He is a frequent performer with the Utah Baroque Ensemble and the Utah Symphony Orchestra. He is a former member of the Utah Baroque Ensemble choir and for many years has taught Baroque music and performance practices at BYU. Daron is the principal clarinetist of the Orchestra at Temple Square and occasional soloist.
All students, no matter their age, should apply early for the Master Class! Applications will be accepted from January 13 through February 14, 2025. In the past, we have accommodated all Master Class requests, so don’t hesitate to apply. If you want to make a late application, please email ubecompetition@gmail.com . Younger students applying for non-competitor performance at the Orem Student Competition recital on Monday, March 17, 2025 are also encouraged to participate in or audit the Master Class. For more information on the 2025 Student Scholarship Competition, go to www.utahbaroque.org. For questions about the Master Class, please contact ubecompetition@gmail.com
The fee is $20 for each student in grades 9-12 and $10 for 8th grade and younger. The registration fee for the 2025 Student Competition is waived if the student attends the Master Class. The performer’s teacher and parents may attend the Master Class without charge. No small children, please. The class is open to the public, including non-performing students, teachers, and others.
In addition to completing the application below, please do not forget to submit your fee via mail.
Application fees should be paid by check made out to “Utah Baroque Ensemble”, with the student’s name on the check, and mailed to:
Utah Baroque Ensemble
c/o Robb Cundick
512 N Mallard Dr Unit C
Vineyard, UT 84059
If you prefer to pay via Venmo please do so to @rtadams49